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100 Days of Kindergarten!

You know the age-old saying, "you get wiser with old age" – and that was the case with our Kindergarten students at St Paul's Moss Vale, celebrating 100 days of big school!

Our Kinder students celebrated the milestone at school by getting into character and dressing up as centenarians. One dedicated parent even made their child a bespoke walking frame for the occasion!

Kindergarten teacher, Tania Hunstone, said she counted with students every day, and it was the chance to celebrate their progress.

"Counting was an important part of the daily routine," she said. "It was also the morning routine to count how many days we had been at school."

Mrs Hunstone said it was also a "delightful" opportunity to commemorate the growth all of the students have made over that period of time.

"They have achieved so much. When you're in Kindy, you need to remember all of the good stuff, and the big celebrations" – Mrs Hunstone, Kindergarten teacher

Mrs Hunstone said she researched ideas on how to commemorate the milestone, and said she always planned activities for a Friday. She also played along, and dressed for the occasion.

"The kids were excited about it, but I am not sure who enjoyed it more," she laughed.

Parents and guardians were initially meant to join students for all the fun, but were unfortunately not able to due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Despite their absence, the activity provided welcome relief, and a bit of joy and laughter.

"It was something we needed at the moment. It was also a nice way to start the term" – Mrs Hunstone, Kindergarten teacher

Students also counted 100 popcorn kernels and counters, drew things relating to the number and even read books relating to the triple-digit figure.

Mrs Hunstone said the students were still counting which meant she would need get her thinking cap on for the next milestone - this one will be hard to beat!